Our Pastors

Evens Chrysostome has accepted the Lord in 1989 and became a member of New Jerusalem Baptist Church until he left in June 2012. Before Brother Evens became the Senior Pastor of New Birth Evangelical Baptist Church, he served as a Praise & Worship Leader for eight years, taught Sunday school for 12 years and assisted the Senior Pastor by leading Bible study at the church. He has served in the Christian Education Department by providing leadership to the Sunday School Program. After being a lay preacher for more than a decade, he attended Southern Baptist Seminary and received a Master Degree in Divinity. Afterwards, he was ordained as a minister of the Gospel in 2010. He is married to his wife of 26 years, Paula Chrysostome. Paula is a licensed Clinician. She has a PH.D in Psychology and Biblical Counseling. She has spoken at several Women’s Conferences. Pastor Evens and his wife have provided counseling for couples who are struggling in their marriages. They both have a passion for families. They both have co-directed the Marriage & Family Builders Ministry (Couple’s Retreat) for over a decade. Pastor Evens has a passion for teaching and preaching the Word of God. He has preached throughout the United States and abroad at various conferences and church revivals for over a decade. He is a teacher, a preacher and a man that loves the Lord.
“The beautiful thing about this adventure called faith is that
we can count on Him never to lead us astray.”
— Charles Swindoll

Jacky Michel became a born again Christian at age 17 and became involved in music ministry. In 1979, Brother Jacky Michel was involved in church planting. He co-planted many churches in New York and New Jersey. In 1981, he attended Eastern Nazarene College in Massachusetts. There, he received a Bachelor degree in Philosophy and Theology. Later, Brother Jacky planted a church in Cambridge, MA. Three years later, he was ordained and became the Senior Pastor. He served there for 10 years. In 1985, he married his wife of 33 years, Adeline Michel. Together, they bore 5 children. Adeline has been a great support to her husband during his ministry. She has been part of the married Couple Ministry executive Committee for several years. She has a passion for families. She was served in the Diaconate at New Jerusalem Baptist Church, taught Sunday School and the Hospitality ministry. Pastor Jacky Michel has a passion for music and loves to preach the word of God. He currently serves as our Associate Pastor at New Birth Evangelical Baptist Church.