Who are we?
Verse for the Year Psalm 63:1-12 You, God, are my God…Matthew 22:37-38 Jesus replied:”Love the Lord your…
Dr. Paula's Blog
17 03 '19Love it 0
God’s two Guiding Companions to us- In the journey of life, everyone would love to…
10 03 '19Love it 0
Weekly Devotion: The Immutability of God. As you know this morning the time has changed,…
03 03 '19Love it 0
It’s all about Perspective- If you take a step back and do a quick review…
24 02 '19Love it 0
How many times have we read something that was valuable to our wellbeing and decided…
17 02 '19Love it 0
In this era, being able to identify who you are is very important. In most…
10 02 '19Love it 0
In the past couple of years, we have seen an increase in suicidality. It has…