Who are we?
Verse for the Year Psalm 63:1-12 You, God, are my God…Matthew 22:37-38 Jesus replied:”Love the Lord your…
Dr. Paula's Blog
11 11 '18Love it 0
Have you ever felt tired, exhausted physically and emotionally? Have ever felt that you’re going…
04 11 '18Love it 0
Dear friends, Since we have received so much from our Heavenly Father, He asks us…
28 10 '18Love it 0
Dear friends, We continue with our series on “Grace”. We saw that we are saved,…
21 10 '18Love it 0
Dear friends, Last week we saw that not only we are saved by grace, but…
14 10 '18Love it 0
Dear friends, We all know that we are saved by Grace. There’s nothing we could…
07 10 '18Love it 0
Dear friends, Is there something that was promised to you and it never came to…