In the past couple of years, we have seen an increase in suicidality. It has affected all levels in society. Last year, we have seen a few famous people commit suicide.  They were very famous, wealthy and well liked by all. It shocked us to our cores when we got the news.  Mental health issues are usually the underlining cause for almost every suicide.  When someone is depressed, he or she can have a distorted view of themselves. Some of the symptoms include: anxiety, apathy, general discontent, guilt, hopelessness, loss of interest or pleasure in activities, mood swings, or sadness.  One big distorted thought is the lack of self worth.  Why should I continue to live since my life is worthless? If you ever come across someone who is desperately seeking for a reason to be alive, besides referring them to a mental health provider, share these words with them that we find in Psalms 139:14, “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well”.  We all have value in the eyes of God.  He created us with a purpose.  His love for us is unconditional. No matter what mistakes you have made in your past, God still loves you.  Have a blessed day!

Written Paula Chrysostome, PH.D, LMHC
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