Summer: A season of rest.  After a long year of hard work, at school or in a company, finally comes the time to reap all the strenuous hours and enjoy one’s accomplishments. Unfortunately, there are people who can never take a break to enjoy life. They go from one project to the next; from one problem to the next; from one issue to the next. They can’t seem to relax. There is a time for everything. There is a time one must cease working, must cease trying to solve all the problems in life and enjoy “ today” -the moment you have before you. Enjoy the people you have around you and be content with what you have. If you have been running around, living a stressful life, ask God to help you enter a season of rest.  Jesus said, “Come all of you who are tired and I will give you rest”. He will take your burden and allow you to enjoy life.  Let’s enter our summer season. You and I need it. It will strengthen us for fall.

Written Paula Chrysostome, PH.D, LMHC
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