Only a few people in life have a chance to say on their death bed that they have achieved all their goals or their hearts’ desire. Many of us have let opportunities pass us by because of certain unfounded reasonings. We say, when I have more money, I will give. When I have more time, I will  call to encourage this person or I will help in this ministry, or I will spend more time with my family. There are two things that do not wait for us: opportunities and time. Some of you, for reasons that are beyond your control, will probably never have the time or the opportunity to go back and do these things. Many of us will go down with a lot of regrets. Paul, towards his death pronounced these famous words in 2 Timothy 4:7, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith”. Would you be able to say the same? It is not too late.  As long as you still have life, there is hope. To be continued

Written Paula Chrysostome, PH.D, LMHC
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