Every individual living on earth will leave a legacy at the end of their lives., positive or negative. We will have to make a choice. However, as a mother, how will your children remember you? That’s important. When we say legacy, we are not talking about the mother’s education, career, position in society, in the church or popularity. Some people are very well known in society, they receive many rewards for their accomplishments in life. That’s all good. And what about your children, how have you impacted them? What will they take from you and transfer to their children? Proverbs 31:29 says, “Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all.” There are many mothers who are doing great. The challenge to all the godly mothers is to rise above the crowd, the norms and leave a legacy of godly character for your children. The money, houses, jewelry you leave behind will eventually be gone. But, your fear for the Lord will continue to live on even after you are gone. How would you want to be remembered? You can be just like Lot’s wife, who became a pillar of salt because of greed or like Hannah, a woman of courage.
Happy Mother’s Day.
Written Paula Chrysostome, PH.D, LMHC
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