Dear friends, isn’t it time to compare our daily walk to the life of Jesus’ disciples? How did they live, worship? What was their priority? In Acts 2:42-47, I paraphrase: They devoted themselves to the teachings of the apostles; prayer, fellowship. Everyday, they were in the temple praising God. And they grew in number….  My friends, are you attending bible study, prayer meeting or are you a Sunday spectator or doer?  Christian life requires more for growth to happen. If you are only excited or interested in doing or attending program in church, you are missing the juice in serving God. You will never experience your Lord to the fullest. You will hear people talking about God, but you will never experience Him. Don’t be a Sunday Christian. Don’t miss the blessings of walking with Him daily. You will miss the daily blessings and miracles.

Written Paula Chrysostome, PH.D, LMHC
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