Fear is the most unwanted visitor or the thief in the night that comes to rob you of your peace, joy, stability and your humanness. Fear magnifies the depths of our shattered lives. It makes us think that we are the only one that is going through the situation. We can become self-absorbed, withdrawn, depressed, desperate and hopeless. The truths that you and I must embrace in the midst of a shattered life is: “this too shall pass; We will overcome; others have gone through it and made it out; we will make it through the journey”. I am challenging you today to replace “fear” with confidence, assurance and hope. The Bible says in Isaiah 41:10, “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God…”. And remember, “this too shall pass”.
Written Paula Chrysostome, PH.D, LMHC
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