Many of us have already or will write multiple goals or make important decisions for the year 2020. It is good practice to do self-evaluation. The result of the evaluation will highlight areas of strength and areas for growth. Many of us will decide to stop a behavior or adapt new ones. Others will do nothing. We will continue with the same routine. Therefore, I am challenging you this year to be intentional and make changes in your life by developing strong convictions. Daniel, as a young man, resolved not to eat the lavished meals of the king in order to not defile himself. He stayed at it no matter the cost (Daniel chapter 1). Is there something you need to sacrifice in order to achieve your goals? Is there an area in your life you need to develop strong convictions? Just do it.  Make it happen. You can do it.  Strong conviction will develop your character. It will help you not to fletch or waiver. Happy New Year!

Written Paula Chrysostome, PH.D, LMHC
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