Many people have the mindset that living in isolation, cutting all major communication with the world was the best policy.  In these hard times we are currently living, having a good support system is crucial. We were never created to live in isolation. God intended for us to live within a community, where we will be supported when facing life’s struggles. In Galatians 6:2, the Bible says “Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ”.  God wants us to be there for those who are suffering.  If you help me carry my burden and I help you carry yours, our burdens will become lighter. We can face the punches of life knowing that someone has our back. Is there someone that needs your support today? Is there someone that needs your love right now? Is there someone that needs to hear your voice today? Let’s get to work! Support each other. We need it more than ever today.

Written Paula Chrysostome, PH.D, LMHC
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